1.   Armey, who delivered uncharacteristically low-key remarks, urged lawmakers to keep in mind future generations.

2.   Many are urging lawmakers to do more to protect dwindling privacy.

3.   McCaffrey urged state lawmakers in Arizona and elsewhere to pony up more money for the courts, which promote rehabilitation instead of prison for non-violent drug offend ers.

4.   Tjoflat has testified previously before Congress, urging lawmakers not to increase the number of judges on his court even though appeals continue to skyrocket.

5.   West urged lawmakers to tread cautiously in legislating against medical research, calling a blanket ban unwise.

6.   Weinbach urged lawmakers to change the tax laws to allow companies to write off more of the money that goes into worker pensions.

7.   Christopher urged lawmakers to oppose the measure or at least delay while Clinton consults this week with British Prime Minister John Major and French President Jacques Chirac.

8.   Frei urges lawmakers toward free trade.

9.   Hun Sen urged the lawmakers to return and vote for a new co-prime minister.

10.   In South Carolina, Baptists adopted a resolution Tuesday urging lawmakers to remove all forms of gambling in the state.

v. + lawmaker >>共 415
lobby 4.90%
tell 3.34%
say 2.86%
include 2.72%
accuse 2.04%
call 1.50%
ask 1.36%
address 1.29%
criticize 1.23%
anger 1.16%
urge 0.95%
urge + n. >>共 828
caution 6.24%
authority 4.80%
restraint 4.30%
people 3.70%
end 2.67%
action 2.54%
government 2.42%
calm 1.53%
boycott 1.49%
support 1.39%
lawmaker 0.32%
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