1.   Finding what we believe to be normal colon motility in children without constipation and abnormal upper gastrointestinal motility suggests that in some children CIP does not involve the colon.

2.   If this hypothesis was correct, drugs that modulate upper gastrointestinal motility may have a role in the treatment of DU patients.

3.   Cisapride stimulates coordinated upper gastrointestinal motility particularly in patients with disordered motor patterns.

4.   We attempted to visualise the two major physiological states of upper gastrointestinal motility.

5.   This paper has shown the feasibility of using echo planar magnetic resonance imaging for prolonged imaging of upper gastrointestinal motility.

a. + motility >>共 26
colonic 28.38%
gastrointestinal 10.81%
upper 8.11%
intestinal 6.76%
normal 6.76%
fasting 4.05%
abnormal 2.70%
disordered 2.70%
increased 2.70%
non-deglutitive 2.70%
upper + n. >>共 412
floor 7.78%
body 6.92%
deck 6.76%
chamber 4.91%
level 3.94%
arm 3.77%
reach 3.08%
echelon 3.01%
part 2.92%
corner 2.73%
motility 0.14%
每页显示:    共 6