1.   It discourages marriage and it rewards unwed teenage pregnancy.

2.   Joan Tighe, executive director of the Alliance for Young Families, said the forces behind unwed teen-age pregnancy are complex.

3.   Most adults are concerned about the impact that unwed pregnancies and divorce are having on children.

4.   They agreed that unwed teen pregnancy is bad.

5.   They try to steer younger African-Americans away from crime and unwed pregnancy and into school.

6.   Unwed teen pregnancy is embedded in a pathology of racial isolation and social estrangement and in a widening economic inequity.

7.   The former centerfold model, known for her tight clothes, now has Brazilians talking about her unwed pregnancy.

8.   With unwed pregnancy no longer as stigmatized as it once was, many adoption agencies already have modified their approach to confidentiality.

9.   Clinton has also pressed for individuals to take personal responsibility and he has lamented the increase in unwed teen pregnancies over the past decades.

a. + pregnancy >>共 162
teen 16.65%
unwanted 14.08%
teen-age 11.61%
teenage 5.80%
unplanned 2.95%
early 2.85%
first 2.66%
difficult 2.57%
unintended 2.38%
high-risk 2.28%
unwed 0.86%
unwed + n. >>共 23
mother 54.72%
motherhood 6.92%
pregnancy 5.66%
parent 5.03%
couple 4.40%
father 3.77%
teen-ager 3.14%
woman 2.52%
teenager 1.89%
birth 1.26%
每页显示:    共 9