1.   Colin II does not stand very firmly, but he has unveiled a set of inclinations that could be toted comfortably by a lukewarm Democrat.

2.   Dolan unveiled a set of internal changes designed to make the agency more responsive.

3.   Just this month, the U.S. Forest Service unveiled a set of proposed regulations on how to manage its lands with a new emphasis on ecological health.

4.   So far, the LDP has unveiled two sets of stimulus proposals, which formed the basis of a government economic stimulus plan released yesterday.

5.   The dollar rose in late New York trading after the Clinton administration unveiled a set of measures designed to prevent a default.

6.   The LDP has unveiled two sets of stimulus proposals to date, which formed the basis of a government economic stimulus plan released yesterday.

7.   Officials unveiling a set of stamps honoring former Premier Andreas Papandreou plan an elaborate unveiling ceremony.

8.   Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., unveiled a set of proposals Wednesday which he said might serve as a framework for picking up undecided lawmakers.

9.   The LDP is expected to unveil a set of measures to stimulate the sagging economy as early as Friday.

10.   The party is expected to unveil a set of measures to buoy up the slackening economy as early as Friday.

v. + set >>共 590
have 6.28%
drop 5.52%
win 4.79%
lose 4.54%
take 3.70%
use 1.78%
buy 1.45%
build 1.31%
make 1.27%
include 1.23%
unveil 0.44%
unveil + n. >>共 365
plan 24.64%
proposal 6.09%
measure 3.05%
plaque 2.78%
series 1.96%
package 1.90%
detail 1.69%
statue 1.56%
budget 1.49%
strategy 1.22%
set 0.81%
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