1.   The median survival of the untreated patient with gastric cancer at presentation is four months and this increases to six months for those undergoing palliative resection.

2.   In the understaffed facility, the doctor had had to choose one of two emergency patients he would treat, and the untreated patient did not survive.

3.   The patients could climb stairs faster and felt less fatigued, but they performed no better on exercise tests than the untreated patients.

4.   Anthrax produces a toxin that can cause severe damage to the respiratory system and brain, killing untreated patients within days.

5.   Untreated patients usually die within days.

a. + patient >>共 968
ill 7.74%
elderly 3.18%
new 2.30%
the 2.08%
young 1.87%
first 1.81%
former 1.81%
older 1.66%
dying 1.56%
psychiatric 1.49%
untreated 0.10%
untreated + n. >>共 119
water 10.04%
sewage 9.29%
waste 5.58%
blood 5.20%
disease 3.35%
wood 2.60%
depression 2.23%
one 1.86%
patient 1.86%
infection 1.86%
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