1.   Environmentalists painted the refuge as an untouched wilderness full with wildlife.

2.   More visitors are envisioned at the Selous Game Reserve, for instance, a relatively untouched wilderness twice the size of Denmark.

3.   People in southeast Alaska are finally realizing that untouched wilderness is a big resource.

4.   The residential properties are part of a state park, with six million acres of mostly untouched wilderness, with little development.

5.   The truth is, though, that traveling by river is by far the easiest way to experience this still largely untouched wilderness.

a. + wilderness >>共 226
political 6.28%
alaskan 4.71%
pristine 3.81%
remote 2.91%
designated 2.02%
federal 2.02%
vast 2.02%
western 2.02%
arctic 1.79%
last 1.79%
untouched 1.12%
untouched + n. >>共 67
land 5.75%
wilderness 5.75%
canvas 2.30%
market 2.30%
food 2.30%
forest 2.30%
beauty 2.30%
glass 2.30%
desert 2.30%
pine 2.30%
每页显示:    共 5