1.   This unstable region of Ulthuan has a strange other-worldly quality more akin to the realms of Chaos than to mortal lands.

2.   If disturbances are amplified sufficiently in the unstable region, then transition to turbulence may be expected.

3.   In the first place, small variations in the velocity profile, due to different entry geometry, may affect the extent of the unstable region.

4.   It is likely that in these experiments there was a local unstable region in the entry boundary layer, but with subsequent decay of the amplified disturbances.

5.   However, the lowest values of the Reynolds number at which transition occurs are well below the minimum value at which theory indicates the existence of an unstable region.

6.   And these are issues that are magnified when fabs are located in politically unstable regions, analysts say.

7.   Azerbaijan wants to develop its oil reserves, but foreign companies are reluctant to invest or build vulnerable pipelines in an unstable region.

8.   Berisha, for a long time viewed by the United States and other western governments as a model of stability in an unstable region, leads the Democratic Party.

9.   But South Texas is forever an unstable region.

10.   Several right-wing leaders used the occasion to promote their belief that there are grave risks in pursuing peace with aging leaders in an unstable region.

a. + region >>共 728
southern 4.04%
northern 3.53%
mountainous 2.13%
remote 1.96%
eastern 1.93%
entire 1.92%
same 1.92%
breakaway 1.91%
disputed 1.84%
autonomous 1.79%
unstable 0.21%
unstable + n. >>共 262
situation 6.90%
condition 6.21%
angina 4.28%
region 4.28%
area 2.48%
country 2.34%
market 1.93%
atmosphere 1.93%
government 1.79%
currency 1.79%
每页显示:    共 31