1.   Adults consistently rate schools as unsafe places, while the kids, teachers and cops who occupy schools rate them as very safe.

2.   Contrary to plans, they are among the most unsafe places for Israelis.

3.   Which of all the unsafe places would be the least dangerous?

4.   Dealers worry that political and social unrest will make Indonesia an unsafe place to do business.

5.   Yet, they turn out to be an unsafe place to keep my money.

a. + place >>共 708
second 7.66%
first 6.84%
third 5.72%
public 3.05%
fourth 2.51%
good 2.49%
right 2.35%
last 2.27%
only 2.11%
same 1.75%
unsafe 0.02%
unsafe + n. >>共 138
sex 10.82%
condition 10.20%
product 5.51%
abortion 5.31%
level 4.49%
practice 4.08%
mine 2.24%
truck 2.04%
area 2.04%
speed 1.84%
place 1.02%
每页显示:    共 5