1.   Boss Tweed and his cronies looted the construction with such unrestrained glee that it finally brought down the Grand Sachem of Tammany Hall.

2.   In general the newspapers, which Netanyahu constantly maligns and says he does not read, buried him with unrestrained glee that he had finally gotten his comeuppance.

3.   Mashburn torched his former team with unrestrained glee.

4.   There is unrestrained glee and gloating.

5.   We want you to immediately remove us from your group e-mail list and we want you to stop pressing the forward button with such unrestrained glee.

a. + glee >>共 105
great 4.83%
malicious 3.45%
unrestrained 3.45%
quiet 2.76%
childlike 2.07%
obvious 2.07%
wicked 2.07%
childish 1.38%
evident 1.38%
anarchic 1.38%
unrestrained + n. >>共 80
joy 5.13%
glee 4.27%
growth 3.42%
enthusiasm 3.42%
child 3.42%
trade 3.42%
government 2.56%
development 2.56%
capitalism 2.56%
optimism 2.56%
每页显示:    共 5