1.   A bipartisan measure that has drawn the support of many groups would ban the unregulated donations that are known as soft money to political parties.

2.   But by banning the unregulated donations to political parties by corporations, unions and rich individuals, the bill would take a giant step.

3.   But he said they did not need to agree with his call to ban the unlimited unregulated donations to political parties known as soft money.

4.   Clinton had said the agreements were required before she would call for a ban of unregulated donations from the race.

5.   Except for his advocacy of a ban on large unregulated donations to political parties, McCain used to be a fairly predictable conservative on most domestic issues.

6.   He vowed that as president he would fight to ban the kinds of unregulated donations to political parties known as soft money.

7.   In March, Bush begrudgingly signed into law a campaign finance reform bill that would make such large unregulated donations illegal after the mid-term elections in November.

8.   It would ban the unregulated donations by unions, corporations and individuals to the political parties known as soft money.

9.   Lieberman has also been a vigorous advocate of campaign finance reform, and he recently supported legislation that would ban unregulated donations to political parties.

10.   Like McCain, Gore favors prohibiting the largely unregulated donations to political parties known as soft money.

a. + donation >>共 325
private 13.30%
political 8.74%
charitable 5.34%
large 4.76%
foreign 3.54%
corporate 3.54%
public 3.20%
illegal 2.86%
unlimited 2.48%
small 1.89%
unregulated 1.50%
unregulated + n. >>共 164
donation 8.16%
contribution 7.11%
money 6.32%
market 5.26%
industry 3.16%
business 2.63%
campaign 2.11%
power 2.11%
company 1.84%
fund 1.84%
每页显示:    共 31