1.   As I understand it, technically, unlawful combatants do not have any rights under the Geneva Convention.

2.   Bin Laden and al-Qaida are unlawful combatants who can be shot on sight.

3.   In any event, even unlawful combatants have rights under the Geneva Conventions.

4.   Prisoners of war have more privileges and rights than unlawful combatants under the Convention, including the right to refuse interrogation.

5.   Since bin Laden and al-Qaida do not fit these definitions, they are unlawful combatants, who through most of history have been summarily shot.

6.   The administration has described the detainees as unlawful combatants who are not entitled to the due process rights of prisoners of war.

7.   The administration also has vigorously defended its treatment of the men, whom it calls detainees and unlawful combatants, as humane and consistent with the Geneva convention.

8.   The United States has never signed any treaty or protocol, according to Wedgwood, to give unlawful combatants the legal privileges given to lawful combatants.

9.   Unlawful combatants are entitled to the protections afforded under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

a. + combatant >>共 118
former 17.76%
the 8.88%
enemy 8.55%
unlawful 6.25%
main 4.93%
major 2.30%
key 1.32%
armed 1.32%
legal 1.32%
political 1.32%
unlawful + n. >>共 144
possession 6.64%
assembly 5.77%
imprisonment 5.24%
flight 4.55%
act 4.20%
arrest 4.20%
killing 4.02%
entry 3.50%
use 3.32%
combatant 3.32%
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