1.   Also killed were a Pakistani, an Afghan, and an unidentified person of unknown nationality.

2.   An said he saw a total of four Japanese, as well as Chinese and Westerners of unknown nationality.

3.   The foreigners include one person from Holland, three Germans, two Spaniards, two people each from France and Italy, and two of unknown nationality.

4.   The others killed included one Afghan, one Pakistani and one of unknown nationality, the Pakistani government news agency said.

5.   The other dead included one Afghan, one Pakistani and one of unknown nationality, Pakistani officials said.

6.   He added that the man, of unknown nationality, might be living in the Greek islands or Cyprus.

7.   His informants had told him that a three-person hit-team of unknown nationality had joined a group of five Iranians in Berlin, he said.

8.   A fourth suspect, identified as Abdul Rahman Yasin of unknown nationality, is a fugitive with a two million dollar price on his head.

9.   The young fighter, of unknown nationality but believed to belong to the al-Qaeda network, detonated the explosives after being surrounded by guards.

10.   It is unknown how the Spanish-Colombian student and businessman of unknown nationality released Wednesday managed to secure their release, Jardin Mayor Roberto Sierra said.

a. + nationality >>共 154
dual 17.49%
different 9.17%
british 5.09%
french 4.75%
german 3.06%
israeli 2.21%
spanish 1.87%
zairean 1.87%
japanese 1.87%
unknown 1.70%
unknown + n. >>共 654
number 16.20%
assailant 8.26%
reason 6.09%
group 5.17%
gunman 3.79%
destination 3.29%
quantity 3.06%
attacker 2.44%
location 2.05%
origin 1.91%
nationality 0.28%
每页显示:    共 10