1.   Unit cell volumes of two other crystal forms of CypA-CsA complexes are consistent with ten molecules per asymmetric unit.

2.   The concentration of a solution per unit volume of solution V is where w i is the mass of the component and N A is the Avogadro constant.

3.   Concentration is the amount of substance per unit volume of solution.

4.   This is the volume of the gas, converted to s.t.p., which dissolves in unit volume of the liquid at the temperature and pressure specified.

5.   It is directly related to the kinetic energy per unit volume associated with the velocity fluctuations,

6.   Another alternative is using unit volumes instead of revenue.

7.   But even if unit volumes are limited, the device could go a long way toward popularizing phone-based text messaging in the United States.

8.   But you will not sustain the unit volume sales you had last year.

9.   The company forecasts slight sales growth this year and expects unit volume to be flat.

10.   The decrease in prices was partially offset by an increase in unit volumes, as SGS-Thomson sold a record number of chips.

n. + volume >>共 226
export 5.75%
trade 5.20%
production 5.06%
traffic 4.79%
call 3.15%
loan 2.87%
companion 2.87%
transaction 2.60%
mail 2.60%
business 2.60%
unit 1.64%
unit + n. >>共 226
sale 11.55%
cost 5.12%
trust 4.82%
manager 4.53%
commander 4.39%
price 4.39%
owner 2.92%
member 2.63%
shipment 2.34%
volume 1.75%
每页显示:    共 12