1.   In part for this reason, in part because several public employees unions opposed any merit pay, Congress yawned.

2.   Both Bradley and Gore, however, support free trade agreements with other countries, positions vigorously opposed by unions.

3.   But Golodner said the union also opposes a temporary increase.

4.   Democrats and teachers unions have opposed the bill, saying the accounts would siphon money away from public schools and benefit wealthy taxpayers.

5.   He said his car factory would improve the cost-cutting concept, which unions oppose on the grounds that it outsources jobs.

6.   He said many unions opposed the idea because they mistakenly feared the government might use a constitutional amendment to curtail their right to strike.

7.   In return, the ACTU holds unions in check to deliver wage restraint, relative industrial harmony, and acceptance of many government initiatives once opposed by unions.

8.   In this case, paradoxically, the unions oppose central parts of the campaign finance legislation that Quinn plans to support.

9.   John Mazor, a spokesman for the Air Line Pilots Association, said the union opposes more tests.

10.   Lieberman has also offended organized labor at times because he, like Gore, supports free-trade bills that many unions oppose.

n. + oppose >>共 560
group 9.04%
administration 6.33%
government 4.95%
leader 3.85%
party 3.27%
official 2.64%
majority 2.13%
member 2.01%
company 1.99%
union 1.92%
union + v. >>共 801
say 10.57%
be 9.05%
have 3.63%
want 3.55%
call 2.22%
demand 1.82%
agree 1.63%
threaten 1.58%
make 1.22%
seek 1.17%
oppose 1.00%
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