1.   The unions claim that contented, well-paid workers are an essential ingredient of productivity, and so they are.

2.   The union claimed a pay rise worth four times the rate of inflation.

3.   A national corrections officers union claimed Wednesday that the private prison industry is compromising public safety in its quest for profits.

4.   In addition, some trains were unable to enter facilities in Tacoma, the union claimed.

5.   The needletrades union claimed Greenberg was trying to break up its bargaining unit.

6.   The union claimed it was striking over health and safety issues.

7.   The union claims the association gives doctors a bigger voice than some large for-profit independent practice associations.

8.   The union was claiming a victory.

9.   The union claimed that its representatives should not have to testify because they were covered by an extension of the attorney-client privilege.

10.   The union claims it wants only to adjust how it is used.

n. + claim >>共 721
group 11.62%
official 4.05%
government 3.92%
side 2.70%
rebel 2.03%
critic 1.83%
company 1.83%
police 1.64%
authority 1.48%
leader 1.47%
union 0.65%
union + v. >>共 801
say 10.57%
be 9.05%
have 3.63%
want 3.55%
call 2.22%
demand 1.82%
agree 1.63%
threaten 1.58%
make 1.22%
seek 1.17%
claim 0.99%
每页显示:    共 80