1.   All were at home, but escaped uninjured.

2.   Royster said that Goldberg had a helper, whom she did not identify, who saw the shooting but escaped uninjured.

3.   A former interior minister, Mohammad Nasim, also was traveling in the car but escaped uninjured.

4.   Cele was home at the time, but escaped uninjured.

5.   Five hundred children in a school facing the store were shaken by the blast, but escaped uninjured.

6.   He fell and was trampled upon, but managed to get up and escaped uninjured.

7.   He was at the wheel of his Mercedes at the time and escaped uninjured.

8.   The four employees present at the time had hidden in a cellar, and escaped uninjured.

v. + escape >>共 73
flee 11.18%
unharm 9.41%
run 6.47%
unhurt 6.47%
rush 5.29%
uninjure 4.71%
use 2.94%
fight 2.35%
climb 2.35%
emigrate 1.76%
uninjure + v. >>共 4
escape 66.67%
walk 16.67%
leave 8.33%
return 8.33%
每页显示:    共 8