1.   Unix International worked with both Unix Labs and Sun on the guide, along with a third, unidentified company.

2.   About half of that was profit realized on the sale of shares in unidentified companies, Viniar said.

3.   Also, it plans to form an alliance with an unidentified company that will work with Wells customers who want a first mortgage.

4.   But an executive familiar with the transaction, which was completed last week, said that the company was controlled by an unidentified Singapore company.

5.   General Motors Corp. has narrowed the list of potential buyers of four North American parts plants to two unidentified companies, a union official said.

6.   Hercules Corp. said it signed confidentiality agreements with two unidentified companies, allowing it to assess whether to make bids for the firms.

7.   Hercules officials on Friday said they had signed confidentiality agreements with two unidentified companies, which could be a precursor for Hercules to bid for those firms.

8.   However, Keene faxed The Boston Globe a statement from an unidentified company spokesman.

9.   It was not clear whether Korea Data System was among the seven unidentified companies.

10.   Rohr Inc., a maker of aircraft parts and systems, said merger talks disclosed last week with an unidentified company have ended.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
unidentified 0.04%
unidentified + n. >>共 564
gunman 12.97%
source 10.64%
man 10.46%
assailant 5.15%
official 4.38%
attacker 2.84%
woman 2.43%
person 2.17%
body 2.03%
people 1.95%
company 0.57%
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