1.   Her five nieces and nephews, whom she is raising and plans to adopt, were home at the time of the fire and escaped unharmed.

2.   A close associate of Rugova, Maloku was targeted by would-be assassins in November but escaped unharmed.

3.   A Burundian archbishop apparently was in the convoy but escaped unharmed.

4.   A close associate of Rugova, Maljoku was targeted by would-be assassins in November but escaped unharmed.

5.   A Colombian congressman who was initially reported kidnapped dodged a rebel roadblock and escaped unharmed, his aide said Friday.

6.   His father, Mike, lives in Seattle and escaped unharmed in the major earthquake that shook the Northwest last week.

7.   In July, an American aid worker was kidnapped in central Somalia, but escaped unharmed the same day.

8.   Last Friday, a U.S. aid worker was kidnapped in central Somalia but escaped unharmed the same day.

9.   Maloku was targeted by assassins in November but escaped unharmed.

10.   The pilot jumped out and escaped unharmed, the agency said.

v. + escape >>共 73
flee 11.18%
unharm 9.41%
run 6.47%
unhurt 6.47%
rush 5.29%
uninjure 4.71%
use 2.94%
fight 2.35%
climb 2.35%
emigrate 1.76%
unharm + v. >>共 7
release 44.19%
escape 37.21%
flee 4.65%
free 4.65%
walk 4.65%
get_up 2.33%
return 2.33%
每页显示:    共 16