1.   A war in the Balkans is being prosecuted, with unhappy results, by a group of leaders who spent their youths denouncing war as wrong.

2.   But many other countries had overtaken its home-ownership rate, with unhappy results in their labor market.

3.   Despite the unhappy results, I would think twice about selling.

4.   He says dates he did not screen on the telephone beforehand yielded unhappy results.

5.   The unhappy result has been to blur the image of Asian Americans, a group whose status is undergoing rapid change.

6.   The unhappy result is that federal judges serve until they die or retire, no matter how incompetent or intolerable they become.

7.   The unhappy result, many gays say, is that they lack the legal protection to build a life together.

8.   Two of the eight colts who ran in the Blue Grass suffered unhappy trips with unhappy results.

9.   For some, it had an unhappy result.

a. + result >>共 679
final 7.18%
official 4.68%
preliminary 3.07%
positive 2.81%
financial 2.80%
mixed 2.77%
first 2.72%
good 2.35%
similar 2.24%
best 2.11%
unhappy 0.06%
unhappy + n. >>共 399
marriage 4.39%
childhood 3.16%
ending 3.16%
people 2.86%
customer 2.04%
experience 1.94%
man 1.84%
camper 1.53%
player 1.53%
time 1.53%
result 0.92%
每页显示:    共 9