1.   Freddie Mac, the mortgage buyer, underwrites a program for violent youth.

2.   He proposed that the British network cut its prices and that he in turn would find a corporate sponsor to underwrite the program for the American audience.

3.   In fact, people served under Zap are not members of the health care organizations underwriting the program, said Evonne Yancey of Kaiser Permanente, Georgia Region.

4.   It was sponsored by the Stanley Foundation of Muscatine, Iowa, which underwrites programs that examine global issues.

5.   Moreover, underwriters influence programming, he argues, because they are financing an entire program and generally will not underwrite cutting-edge programs.

6.   The company has begun advertising more heavily, venturing far beyond the trade press to underwrite programs on National Public Radio, for example.

7.   The government has also agreed to help underwrite programs to reunite members of the Stolen Generation with their families.

8.   The money will underwrite reading programs in kindergarten through third grade, as well as intensive training in reading education for aspiring teachers and parents.

9.   The program is now underwritten by the New York Times Co. Foundation.

10.   There are no large corporations here, and persuading local businesses to underwrite programs instead of buying advertising on local commercial stations is difficult.

v. + program >>共 784
have 2.94%
run 2.91%
use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
create 1.84%
start 1.71%
offer 1.54%
support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
underwrite 0.08%
underwrite + n. >>共 201
bond 8.35%
sale 6.90%
cost 6.10%
security 5.62%
offering 5.14%
issue 4.33%
stock 2.73%
business 1.93%
insurance 1.77%
program 1.77%
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