1.   Students are invited to undertake a programme combining, concurrently, the traditional teaching practice with a social work placement.

2.   While many public sector organizations divide their budgets into the activity centres that they operate, they do not undertake programme budgeting.

3.   At Level Two students will devise and undertake a programme of leisure and recreation activities, operating on a largely independent basis but still under supervision from appropriate staff.

4.   They will investigate appropriate facilities for undertaking their programme and keep appropriate records of all activities.

5.   Initially, at managerial level, an educational programme was undertaken by outside consultants.

6.   HCIMA requires each student undertaking its programmes of studies to keep a learning diary during periods of work experience.

7.   Another busy year has passed, with Area Teachers meeting regularly for further training and discussion, and Essex Team undertaking a programme of regular Team Classes and rehearsals.

8.   In this context, he was happy that the MCA had undertaken several programmes to ease the economic pressure, especially its efforts to raise money for various funds.

v. + programme >>共 353
implement 3.86%
launch 3.42%
offer 2.54%
develop 2.28%
twin 2.02%
introduce 2.02%
aim 1.93%
complete 1.75%
have 1.75%
conduct 1.58%
undertake 1.14%
undertake + n. >>共 290
project 8.07%
reform 5.64%
study 5.25%
work 3.52%
effort 3.52%
research 3.13%
task 2.82%
investigation 2.66%
action 2.27%
review 2.27%
programme 1.02%
每页显示:    共 13