1.   When the original pasture is grazed again, prophylactic measures should be undertaken, as enough larvae may have survived to institute a fresh cycle of infection.

2.   Austerity measures already undertaken, such as cuts in health care and limits on retirement benefits, have prompted the French to take to the streets in protest.

3.   Hoping to wipe out the deficit and cover new expenses, the orchestra undertook Draconian measures that included staff layoffs and the cancellation of expensive soloists.

4.   Ino said that while he advises schools not to undertake measures that would deliberately frighten children, he believes they should consider all options.

5.   An IMF mission to Bulgaria recommended earlier this week that the IMF grant the loans, provided the country undertake austerity measures.

6.   And tough Maastricht constraints on public spending and debt make it hard for governments to undertake measures to spur growth without risking progress toward meeting the criteria.

7.   As for long-term plans, the Prime Minister said the Government would undertake several measures.

8.   El-Shahawi said that the relevant authority has not undertaken any measures to deal with the sugar problem in Egypt, whereby sugar is being imported from abroad.

9.   He said the Armed Forces is undertaking all measures to combat rumors across the archipelago, including safeguarding the commodities to ensure that people can buy basic necessities.

10.   If the plans are not satisfactory, then the exchange will request them to undertake effective measures to improve their position over a certain timeframe.

v. + measure >>共 446
take 15.60%
approve 4.95%
oppose 3.96%
pass 3.61%
support 2.75%
announce 2.72%
veto 2.52%
adopt 2.38%
introduce 2.35%
include 1.99%
undertake 0.16%
undertake + n. >>共 290
project 8.07%
reform 5.64%
study 5.25%
work 3.52%
effort 3.52%
research 3.13%
task 2.82%
investigation 2.66%
action 2.27%
review 2.27%
measure 1.41%
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