1.   Because most partnerships deal in transportation or distribution, price changes in the underlying commodity, except for coal, are not seen as a significant risk.

2.   Canadian stocks rose for a second day, led by gold and base metal producers as commodity prices moved higher on anticipation of strengthening demand for the underlying commodities.

3.   Canadian stocks rose to the second record in two days, led by metal issues amid higher prices of the underlying commodities.

4.   Canadian stocks rise to the second record in two days, led by metal issues amid higher prices of the underlying commodities.

5.   Gold and oil issues retreated from early rallies as the price of the underlying commodities fell.

6.   Gold and oil issues surrendered early gains as the price of the underlying commodities fell.

7.   Gold producers gained on reports of demand for the underlying commodity by Middle East investors.

8.   Metals issues were mixed on volatile prices for the underlying commodities.

9.   Metals issues fell on expectations that slowing Asian economies will weaken demand for the underlying commodities.

10.   Metals issues like Noranda Inc. may help pace the decline after stockpiles of the underlying commodities gained on weakening demand.

a. + commodity >>共 414
basic 10.16%
hot 5.84%
agricultural 3.63%
valuable 3.21%
essential 3.16%
precious 3.05%
rare 2.63%
higher 2.53%
lower 2.26%
scarce 1.95%
underlying 0.95%
underlying + n. >>共 582
cause 5.29%
problem 5.29%
asset 3.30%
loan 2.31%
security 2.27%
strength 2.07%
stock 2.03%
issue 1.99%
reason 1.87%
trend 1.75%
commodity 0.72%
每页显示:    共 18