1.   Since then, Kleine has undergone a series of tests, including cardiovascular and neurological exams.

2.   THE record-breaking Antarctic explorers, Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Dr Michael Stroud, yesterday put off homecoming celebrations to undergo a series of gruelling scientific experiments.

3.   At first, Payton thought he had problems with his gall bladder and underwent a series of tests.

4.   A purely experimental submarine, the vessel set a series of speed records, and then underwent a series of rebuilds to test various hull designs and counterrotating propellers.

5.   According to a statement released Tuesday by the Jets, Parcells underwent a series of medical tests last week.

6.   Cone was absent for the second consecutive day after he underwent a series of tests on Friday at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.

7.   During his first couple of seasons in the NBA, Smits had to undergo a series of operations after suffering a string of knee injuries.

8.   During the next few days, as Stephen King underwent a series of operations for grave injuries, journalists made much of the clash of celebrity and random misfortune.

9.   Dierker underwent a series of tests beginning Sunday night, and the Astros should have a better idea regarding a timetable once the results are known.

10.   Especially striking was the intensity of the motives of the various actors as trust among Americans underwent a series of recombinations.

v. + series >>共 848
follow 5.91%
win 3.95%
make 3.24%
hold 2.93%
begin 2.78%
have 2.58%
launch 2.52%
announce 1.93%
suffer 1.65%
plan 1.59%
undergo 1.05%
undergo + n. >>共 573
surgery 38.13%
treatment 9.83%
test 6.70%
operation 3.34%
change 3.27%
chemotherapy 1.80%
therapy 1.51%
training 1.49%
procedure 1.32%
repair 1.12%
series 1.03%
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