1.   As a consequence all the volunteers will undergo intensive counseling before and during the trial period, while the blood samples are taken and other tests are conducted.

2.   Before her divorce, she and her husband had undergone marriage counseling.

3.   Before the surgery occurred, the offender would undergo psychological counseling.

4.   Bowe, who could be sentenced to up to two years in prison, has also been ordered to undergo psychological counseling.

5.   A lesbian acquaintance was undergoing marriage counseling with the husband she had left for a woman, when their therapist gave them Ecstasy during a session.

6.   According to rules agreed to during collective bargaining last January, players who test positive at training camp must undergo mandatory counseling.

7.   But he also tussled with his twin sister, Cassie, and his younger sister, Nisey, and underwent anger counseling.

8.   Dr. Sidney Crown, a London psychotherapist, believes the Woodward family should undergo counseling as Louise tries to regain her life.

9.   Edwards, a center, entered a plea bargain in which he agreed to undergo drug counseling.

10.   For months, Hurley underwent counseling to regain his self-esteem.

v. + counseling >>共 72
undergo 16.37%
receive 14.58%
offer 11.00%
seek 10.23%
provide 8.44%
get 5.12%
need 3.07%
do 2.05%
have 2.05%
give 1.79%
undergo + n. >>共 573
surgery 38.13%
treatment 9.83%
test 6.70%
operation 3.34%
change 3.27%
chemotherapy 1.80%
therapy 1.51%
training 1.49%
procedure 1.32%
repair 1.12%
counseling 0.75%
每页显示:    共 64