1.   Cigarette producers have repeatedly denied that they marketed cigarettes to underage buyers.

2.   Duffy said the inflated prices may reflect the fact that the companies are catering to underage buyers willing to pay a huge premium.

3.   --Enforce rules about refusing to sell certain products to underage buyers.

4.   The trade group recently announced an agreement with Creditcards.com that will allow AVA member wineries to ensure they are not selling wine to underage buyers.

a. + buyer >>共 607
potential 18.02%
home 7.28%
prospective 6.88%
foreign 4.74%
possible 2.99%
new 2.36%
overseas 2.20%
would-be 1.84%
biggest 1.67%
big 1.63%
underage 0.08%
underage + n. >>共 96
girl 13.47%
smoking 8.31%
drinker 7.16%
smoker 6.02%
sex 3.72%
boy 3.44%
child 3.15%
student 3.15%
possession 3.15%
prostitute 3.15%
buyer 1.15%
每页显示:    共 4