1.   Christeena Michelle Riggs is in the undecided category.

2.   Jordan, Achtenberg and Alioto each lost a few percentage points, all of which were picked up by the undecided category.

3.   A few hours later, the TV outlets placed the state back in the undecided category, and a recount is under way to determine the actual winner.

4.   A few hours later, the networks placed the state back in the undecided category and a recount is now under way to determine the actual winner.

a. + category >>共 703
new 5.98%
same 4.97%
different 4.06%
major 3.65%
broad 3.51%
second 2.81%
latter 2.64%
the 2.60%
separate 2.03%
statistical 1.55%
undecided 0.14%
undecided + n. >>共 69
voter 55.64%
lawmaker 5.93%
member 5.16%
vote 4.78%
senator 3.06%
election 2.68%
column 1.53%
state 1.53%
woman 1.34%
issue 1.15%
category 0.76%
每页显示:    共 4