1.   Uncertainty may arise because of lack of proper accounting records or the outcome of litigation, for example.

2.   Another uncertainty arises out of the new, untested presidential election law.

3.   The uncertainties arise in part because Indonesia as a country does not make much sense.

4.   The uncertainty arises not just because the cartel is secretive, and its members are unruly.

5.   The uncertainty arises because genes are often fragmented and spread around in a vast soup of so-called junk DNA that seems to have no particular biological function.

6.   Brokers attributed the sluggish activity to political uncertainty arising from the deadlock in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

7.   German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel said uncertainty had arisen over whether fuel and other supplies were getting through to the Bosnian Serbs despite international sanctions.

8.   Uncertainty arises because of one major improvement in the electoral rules.

n. + arise >>共 680
problem 16.26%
question 8.78%
issue 4.87%
opportunity 3.74%
dispute 3.69%
need 3.47%
situation 2.53%
conflict 2.40%
difficulty 1.94%
controversy 1.72%
uncertainty 0.22%
uncertainty + v. >>共 234
be 37.44%
remain 6.26%
make 3.26%
surround 1.85%
continue 1.67%
have 1.15%
persist 0.97%
cause 0.88%
exist 0.88%
come 0.88%
arise 0.70%
每页显示:    共 8