1.   It started with skin, which it sells for burn victims and for which it is seeking approval for diabetic ulcer sufferers.

2.   However, the increase in doctor visits was statistically significant only among ulcer sufferers.

3.   The driver says he has an ulcer, and was told by his doctor that Tylenol is better for ulcer sufferers.

4.   Experts caution that even if the results are proved, ulcer sufferers who are susceptible to heartburn may find the unpleasant side effects outweigh the benefits.

n. + sufferer >>共 93
allergy 14.15%
asthma 12.58%
migraine 7.55%
cancer 6.92%
arthritis 5.03%
flu 4.72%
pain 2.83%
dementia 2.52%
plague 1.89%
disease 1.89%
ulcer 1.26%
ulcer + n. >>共 54
disease 26.64%
patient 10.04%
drug 9.27%
medication 5.79%
treatment 5.41%
recurrence 3.86%
margin 3.09%
haemorrhage 2.70%
problem 1.93%
relapse 1.93%
sufferer 1.54%
每页显示:    共 4