1.   Two policemen were dead and another two wounded.

2.   A security source, who also requested anonymity, said the two wounded were Pakistani policemen who were seriously hurt but in stable condition.

3.   Al-Jamhouriya Hospital in the southern port of Aden said the two wounded were women who had been bleeding profusely.

4.   One civilian was killed and another two wounded in a shooting late Sunday in downtown Pristina, the capital of Kosovo province.

5.   Press Trust of India reported the two were killed and another two wounded Thursday night by Pakistani forces firing heavy artillery and mortars.

6.   The vehicle carried Israeli army license plates but there was no immediate confirmation that the two wounded were soldiers.

7.   They said three others who were taken to an Israeli hospital also died, but hospital officials said one was seriously wounded and the other two lightly wounded.

8.   Two Lebanese men were killed and at least two wounded in the latest violence.

9.   Two Palestinians passers-by were moderately wounded and another two lightly wounded in the attack, doctors said.

10.   Two Rwandan soldiers guarding the camp also were killed and another two wounded in the attack, army Col. Kayumba Nyamwasa said.

n. + wound >>共 230
gunfire 10.11%
soldier 6.47%
shrapnel 4.29%
gunman 4.29%
people 3.80%
dozen 3.72%
guerrilla 2.83%
police 2.75%
sniper 2.27%
policeman 2.18%
two 1.29%
two + v. >>共 635
be 20.13%
meet 5.33%
have 5.18%
discuss 2.01%
go 1.94%
agree 1.72%
become 1.37%
say 1.31%
talk 1.21%
speak 1.14%
wound 0.14%
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