1.   He was a ball turret gunner in World War II, official photographer for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and an eyewitness to the Hindenburg explosion.

2.   I told him I had been a ball turret gunner. . . .

3.   The bombardier, navigator, and nose turret gunner had to enter the plane through the nose wheel well.

4.   Watson and ball turret gunner Frank X. Connolly kept in contact over the years.

5.   His top turret gunner was shot in both legs.

n. + gunner >>共 32
artillery 31.06%
army 12.42%
door 8.07%
government 6.83%
rear 5.59%
tail 5.59%
militia 3.73%
turret 3.11%
hand 1.86%
helicopter 1.86%
turret + n. >>共 9
gunner 31.25%
room 18.75%
gun 12.50%
base 6.25%
foot 6.25%
hatch 6.25%
holding 6.25%
lathe 6.25%
system 6.25%
每页显示:    共 5