1.   Cook a minute or two, until lightly browned, and then turn the pancake over and cook a minute on other side.

2.   Turning the pancakes too soon is one of the most frequent mistakes.

3.   Turn each pancake carefully.

4.   Turn the pancakes over and cook briefly.

5.   Turn the pancake over with the aid of two spatulas, press it to flatten the bottom, and cook until the other side is golden.

v. + pancake >>共 55
make 17.48%
flip 12.59%
eat 6.99%
serve 6.99%
have 4.90%
cook 4.20%
turn 3.50%
cut 2.80%
fry 2.80%
love 2.10%
turn + n. >>共 1540
attention 5.86%
back 4.82%
profit 2.83%
head 2.72%
corner 2.34%
table 1.90%
ball 1.80%
gun 1.37%
page 1.20%
heat 1.07%
pancake 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5