1.   But facing imminent death turned out different from what I had thought it would be.

2.   His hair has turned silver, while life has turned remarkably different.

3.   If New England had scored on that drive, the game might have turned out different.

4.   Somebody would change a bunch of lines and the scene would turn out different.

v. + different >>共 16
be 92.76%
look 3.50%
seem 1.33%
feel 1.01%
sound 0.45%
appear 0.25%
taste 0.15%
become 0.12%
remain 0.12%
prove 0.11%
turn 0.03%
turn + a. >>共 1075
violent 8.57%
pro 6.98%
sour 4.26%
professional 3.03%
right 2.78%
ugly 2.46%
red 2.21%
brown 1.94%
serious 1.91%
left 1.88%
different 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4