1.   Guy turned to consider the stone hall.

2.   I turn to consider the respective submissions on the other three issues.

3.   This then is a convenient place to turn to consider the wider role of the police in relation to protest.

4.   Those being the relevant facts, I turn to consider the important issues of law which arise on this appeal.

5.   We now turn to consider this topic.

6.   V Finally, we turn to consider the nature and immediacy of the governmental concern at issue here, and the efficacy of this means for meeting it.

v. + consider >>共 130
meet 18.66%
be 14.11%
pause 6.22%
retire 5.74%
stop 3.35%
say 2.63%
expect 2.15%
call 1.91%
set_up 1.91%
will 1.91%
turn 1.44%
turn + v. >>共 468
look 7.56%
face 6.88%
see 5.59%
leave 4.01%
go 2.87%
stare 1.89%
run 1.59%
coat 1.28%
find 1.21%
be 1.21%
consider 0.45%
每页显示:    共 6