1.   How could the man I trusted to make life better turn around and oppose my right to Marriage?

2.   It is a curious turn around from the days when bondholders pleased to be bought out and were driving to drawing lots!

3.   They saw the mother drop her parcels and turn around to step back and try to reach her boy.

4.   After a brief turn around the classroom, I have determined that everyone is on task.

5.   But reality and history says that you have to take a few turns around Augusta National before you can have any realistic hope of winning here.

6.   Going to jail or getting hurt seemed more and more likely with every midnight turn around the neighborhood.

7.   He advanced to second on a single up the middle by Biggio and took a wide turn around the bag before stumbling and sliding awkwardly back into second headfirst.

8.   He credits playing the numbers game with helping turn around his career.

9.   It would be nice to give old boys like Marcelo Balboa one last turn around the pitch in a star-spangled jersey.

n. + around >>共 1464
area 3.39%
way 2.18%
people 2.17%
arm 1.57%
security 1.30%
time 0.86%
thing 0.80%
position 0.66%
city 0.62%
street 0.61%
turn 0.09%
turn + p. >>共 60
in 16.78%
out 12.81%
to 9.93%
for 9.00%
on 8.04%
at 7.93%
into 5.11%
as 4.93%
with 3.11%
toward 2.56%
around 1.19%
每页显示:    共 32