1.   His tuna tartar is gorgeous, a sort of cake decorated with creme fraiche and a dab of caviar.

2.   It includes oysters, scallops marinated in citrus with sweet pepper and a tuna tartar.

3.   No tuna tartar?

4.   Our other choice was the ubiquitous tuna tartar, in this case called a tuna parfait.

5.   Other highlights were a superb ravioli of lobster with a seaweed vinaigrette, a generous nugget of smoked eel served on wasabi rice, and tuna tartar.

n. + tartar >>共 4
tuna 50.00%
steak 30.00%
berry 10.00%
sirloin 10.00%
tuna + n. >>共 95
sandwich 9.52%
salad 9.52%
steak 9.21%
boat 7.30%
tartare 4.44%
casserole 3.49%
fleet 2.54%
net 2.22%
mixture 2.22%
loin 1.90%
tartar 1.59%
每页显示:    共 5