1.   A fifth defendant was tried in juvenile court, where he was found to have committed first-degree assault.

2.   But the tribunal cannot try defendants in absentia.

3.   But under Italian law it is possible for defendants to be tried in absentia in Italy even as they are facing military proceedings in the United States.

4.   Death penalty advocates urge spending money for competent lawyers, investigators and experts when defendants are tried, instead of burning up resources during the many rounds of appeals.

5.   For now, it remains unclear whether the three defendants will be tried together.

6.   Hence, the defendant was properly tried in New Jersey, the court said in United States vs. Rodriguez-Moreno.

7.   Meanwhile, lawyers confirmed Wednesday that the defendants will be tried separately.

8.   Military commissions differ from civilian courts in that defendants can be tried in secret without the legal protections, evidence rules or appeal rights that civilian courts provide.

9.   Prosecutors in Austin must now decide whether to again try the defendant, Lacresha Murray, or to appeal the ruling to the state Supreme Court.

10.   The constitutional protection against double jeopardy prevents the government from trying defendants for a second time on the same charges.

v. + defendant >>共 284
acquit 7.35%
charge 7.14%
accuse 5.44%
convict 5.37%
represent 5.24%
sentence 4.15%
try 4.01%
arrest 2.45%
identify 1.97%
hold 1.90%
try + n. >>共 1596
hand 6.47%
case 6.01%
best 4.95%
suspect 2.77%
luck 2.66%
thing 2.16%
man 1.49%
approach 1.45%
time 1.35%
variety 1.01%
defendant 0.97%
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