1.   As written, Tora is an irritating part, that of the harsh, volatile truth seeker who speaks what no one else dares.

2.   He even expects, hopefully, that future biographers will restore the admirable truth seeker whom the revisionists have dethroned.

3.   Since early in the century some truth seekers have taken this sort of argument as a reason to believe that the universe was created with people in mind.

4.   We also believe that the Koran is the best judge over any argument among truth seekers, including the history of the mysterious HIV.

5.   With his image as a maverick and blunt truth seeker, the retired two-star general enjoys wide popularity.

n. + seeker >>共 115
asylum 76.69%
curiosity 2.83%
abode 2.31%
thrill 2.08%
publicity 1.12%
office 1.04%
fortune 0.82%
treasure 0.60%
adventure 0.60%
visa 0.60%
truth 0.37%
truth + n. >>共 58
commission 53.61%
panel 4.94%
body 3.80%
squad 3.42%
hearing 3.04%
teller 2.66%
seeker 1.90%
chairman 1.52%
home 1.14%
claim 1.14%
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