1.   The awful truth only dawned on me later.

2.   Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.

3.   Inexorably, an awful truth is dawning.

4.   The monosyllabic discussion continued back and forth until the truth finally dawned on the old man.

n. + dawn >>共 43
day 38.37%
morning 8.72%
era 7.56%
light 5.23%
realization 5.23%
realisation 3.49%
age 2.33%
truth 2.33%
millennium 1.74%
democracy 1.74%
truth + v. >>共 142
be 81.31%
come 2.74%
lie 1.86%
emerge 1.12%
hurt 1.12%
have 0.74%
become 0.67%
seem 0.49%
set 0.46%
remain 0.46%
dawn 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4