1.   And certainly at this point they will not trust Palestinian promises.

2.   But many Mexicans find it hard to trust such promises.

3.   Critic after critic told the commissioners that there was no reason for the government to trust promises by Case and Levin to keep their system open.

4.   Few trust the promises of their leaders to deliver a better future.

5.   Investors are also wondering whether they can trust any promises the Venezuelan government makes.

6.   Government troops believe that as much as Abdic followers trusted government promises of safety last summer.

7.   But thousands who had close ties with the Habyarimana regime are still unsure if they can trust such promises.

v. + promise >>共 358
make 14.20%
keep 13.36%
show 9.02%
fulfill 8.64%
break 7.45%
hold 6.44%
have 2.42%
offer 2.05%
include 1.62%
honor 1.47%
trust 0.18%
trust + n. >>共 387
people 6.32%
instinct 5.04%
judgment 3.75%
government 3.16%
bank 1.64%
man 1.64%
company 1.52%
leader 1.29%
president 1.17%
police 1.05%
promise 0.82%
每页显示:    共 7