1.   Along the walls are pictures of the people who trusted their lives to their colleagues.

2.   Basically, it involves walking backward off a cliff while trusting your life to your equipment.

3.   But five men stayed inside and decided to trust their lives to a rescue capsule built onto the top of the sub.

4.   Speaking in Spanish, Garcia said he trusted his life to the firefighters.

5.   This is not a man I would trust my life with.

6.   While few of us are forced to trust our lives in such a manner, some people do trust the lives of their pets to animal communicators.

7.   You cannot know a tree until you have trusted your life to her arms.

v. + life >>共 671
save 9.81%
live 4.34%
change 4.24%
face 2.72%
risk 2.57%
have 2.50%
take 2.50%
claim 2.46%
improve 1.89%
lose 1.85%
trust 0.04%
trust + n. >>共 387
people 6.32%
instinct 5.04%
judgment 3.75%
government 3.16%
bank 1.64%
man 1.64%
company 1.52%
leader 1.29%
president 1.17%
police 1.05%
life 0.82%
每页显示:    共 7