1.   But there is no wild trout fishery for food production.

2.   Initiated to protect the trout fishery, not only is the baiting of trout prohibited but also the possession of live trout on or attached to any boat.

3.   It also offers an opportunity to create more cold-water trout fisheries in the reservoirs.

4.   It is a grand and glorious trout fishery that from initial indications is well on the road to recovery.

5.   Nor was the trout fishery, although some experts are unsure what would happen to it if floods became routine.

6.   Peach State anglers should consider themselves fortunate to have a trout fishery where largemouth bass and the plastic worm are kings of the fishing world.

7.   The famous tailwater trout fishery at Lees Ferry is troubled once again.

8.   The only year-round trout fishery in Texas is in the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake Dam.

9.   The river supports a good trout fishery.

10.   Two decades ago, Montana eliminated stocking on the Madison and other streams and began managing these waterways as wild trout fisheries.

n. + fishery >>共 48
cod 10.99%
trout 10.99%
ocean 6.59%
sport 4.40%
world 4.40%
crab 3.30%
lobster 3.30%
river 3.30%
shark 3.30%
tailwater 3.30%
trout + n. >>共 78
fishing 18.35%
stream 17.23%
fisherman 4.12%
season 4.12%
fishery 3.75%
angler 3.75%
farm 3.75%
habitat 3.00%
opener 2.62%
pond 2.62%
每页显示:    共 10