1.   Garnish with tropical fruits and sauteed wild mushrooms, if desired.

2.   It can not get enough high-quality organic tropical fruit.

3.   This wine is fresh and fruity with ripe tropical fruit flavours.

4.   Tropical fruit such as mangoes and kiwis can help to liven up salad.

5.   Tropical fruit used to be hard to find, but now you can buy it anywhere.

6.   ...bananas and other tropical fruits.

7.   ...the smell of roasted meats mingled with spices, coconut oil and ripe tropical fruits.

8.   Other tropical fruits such as mangoes and papaya could be next for the treatment.

9.   Along with lychees, mangos, avocados, cherimoyas, passion fruit and sapotes, they make up the typical backyard tropical fruits in South Florida.

a. + fruit >>共 720
fresh 21.01%
tropical 4.44%
citrus 4.24%
ripe 1.77%
canned 1.41%
wild 1.37%
exotic 1.22%
red 1.18%
local 0.90%
imported 0.90%
tropical + n. >>共 428
wave 21.76%
depression 5.67%
forest 4.53%
fruit 3.66%
island 3.24%
moisture 2.59%
plant 2.49%
disease 2.40%
heat 2.20%
air 2.10%
每页显示:    共 112