1.   As the air pressure drops, winds increase and a tropical depression may form.

2.   As the storm chugged west over cool, secluded waters, it was downgraded to a tropical depression.

3.   A nearly stationary tropical depression in the western Gulf of Mexico will be surrounded by widespread cloudiness and areas of heavy showers on Sunday.

4.   A stalled front and moisture from a tropical depression will produce area of clouds and thundershowers over the Gulf of Mexico and Florida.

5.   A tropical depression may form in the western Caribbean on Sunday near the Mosquito Coast.

6.   A tropical depression will send bands of clouds and showers toward extreme southern Texas.

7.   A tropical depression will approach the Lesser Antilles with squalls, but no significant change in strength is likely this weekend.

8.   A tropical depression will move slowly west through the Gulf of Mexico sending bands of clouds and thundershowers toward the coast, especially over Louisiana and Texas.

9.   By late Thursday, downgraded to a tropical depression, it was moving north through the Middle Atlantic States, headed toward New England.

10.   Come lilac time I could either be looking at three-feet of snow or a tropical depression.

a. + depression >>共 278
tropical 12.63%
severe 8.73%
clinical 7.72%
postpartum 7.58%
manic 6.85%
deep 6.64%
major 4.04%
economic 3.68%
chronic 2.96%
mild 1.73%
tropical + n. >>共 428
wave 21.76%
depression 5.67%
forest 4.53%
fruit 3.66%
island 3.24%
moisture 2.59%
plant 2.49%
disease 2.40%
heat 2.20%
air 2.10%
每页显示:    共 174