1.   It would change the military strategies of the former Warsaw Pact countries and lead to troop reductions.

2.   No further details on troop reductions were revealed.

3.   And he said Myers has personally told him that he supports some level of troop reductions and base closures.

4.   Rumsfeld said he was determined to press the issue of U.S. troop reductions in Bosnia.

5.   Sills said the troop reductions would be carried out in stages in different ways.

6.   The Pentagon is also pushing for other troop reductions, including a sharp cut in Americans in Bosnia and a pullout from the U.N. mission in the Sinai.

7.   Troop reductions on Okinawa will require some U.S. units to be transferred elsewhere in Japan.

8.   Among the security arrangements being discussed by Israel and Syria are early warning stations, demilitarized zones and troop reductions - all aimed at preventing surprise attacks.

9.   Asked whether the Rumsfeld review would result in troop reductions, Wolfowitz said it was too early to know.

10.   Chancellor Helmut Kohl on Friday urged Israel to work toward peace, especially on the contentious questions of Jewish settlements and Israeli troop reductions in Palestinian areas.

n. + reduction >>共 301
tax 10.25%
rate 9.10%
debt 8.99%
deficit 8.59%
price 4.85%
cost 4.11%
staff 3.44%
tariff 3.33%
job 3.03%
arm 2.74%
troop 1.67%
troop + n. >>共 332
withdrawal 23.78%
movement 13.79%
pullback 8.30%
deployment 5.46%
redeployment 3.38%
pullout 3.33%
reinforcement 2.84%
presence 2.71%
strength 1.98%
buildup 1.46%
reduction 1.17%
每页显示:    共 45