1.   The political and structural changes in society and the NVA affected troop morale.

2.   Bush will discuss troop morale, military readiness and missile plans.

3.   But he said he felt compelled to sign the defense authorization bill because it contained other provisions that he called vital to national defense and troop morale.

4.   But Hutchison insisted that it is possible for the Senate to disagree with the mission without affecting troop morale.

5.   But soon, Earley said, the women realized how vital their new job was to troop morale in wartime Europe.

6.   But worrisome signs of longer-term problems, like lengthier deployments that lower troop morale, concern military leaders.

7.   Colbert believes the policy fails to address anti-gay prejudice, which is the real barrier to troop morale.

8.   He cited breakdowns in troop morale and discipline caused by money shortages so bad that payrolls cannot always be met, leaving almost nothing for adequate maintenance and training.

9.   He was in charge of troop morale and oversaw the Armed Forces Radio Network as well as the daily publication Stars and Stripes.

10.   President Clinton came to Germany on Wednesday to visit two U.S. bases, boost troop morale and maintain public support for the war against Yugoslavia.

n. + morale >>共 50
employee 21.43%
team 17.06%
staff 12.70%
troop 11.51%
police 5.95%
teacher 2.78%
crew 2.38%
workplace 2.38%
worker 2.38%
army 1.98%
troop + n. >>共 332
withdrawal 23.78%
movement 13.79%
pullback 8.30%
deployment 5.46%
redeployment 3.38%
pullout 3.33%
reinforcement 2.84%
presence 2.71%
strength 1.98%
buildup 1.46%
morale 0.75%
每页显示:    共 29