1.   But some members of Congress have asked how the American public would react if American-trained Nigerian troops, using American equipment, commit human rights abuses.

2.   Human rights groups say the troops have committed a catalog of abuses, ranging from intimidation and abductions to rapes and killings.

3.   Russian troops committed atrocious crimes in Chechnya.

4.   Rwanda has admitted helping the Congolese rebels win their war, but has denied that its troops committed atrocities against the refugees.

5.   The suit against them was brought under the Torture Victims Protection Act, which seeks accountability from commanders whose troops commit atrocities.

6.   The suit was filed under the Torture Victims Protection Act, which seeks to hold responsible the commanders whose troops commit atrocities.

7.   Three other American troops committed suicide in the six months since US forces landed here.

8.   Trips there convinced him that American troops were again committing crimes against innocent civilians, bombing health clinics and schools.

9.   A human rights organization said on Saturday that Russian troops were committing serious violations during the so-called mopping-up operations.

10.   Al-Kidwa repeated claims, vehemently denied by Israel, that Israeli troops committed atrocities during the recent attack.

n. + commit >>共 571
remains 6.36%
man 3.05%
government 3.01%
soldier 2.41%
people 2.32%
force 2.15%
company 2.10%
troop 1.98%
agreement 1.72%
side 1.50%
troop + v. >>共 705
be 9.57%
fire 3.05%
take 2.15%
withdraw 2.15%
enter 1.97%
kill 1.91%
remain 1.70%
leave 1.69%
move 1.65%
shoot 1.58%
commit 0.23%
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