1.   A skater makes two full rotations in a double salchow, three in a triple salchow, and so on.

2.   But, three hours before the free program, Meno suffered a severe bone bruise on her right ankle while landing a triple salchow during warmups.

3.   He later omitted a potential combination and changed a scheduled triple axel to a triple salchow.

4.   Here, Slutskaya has been playing with a triple salchow-triple loop, then a half loop and another triple salchow.

5.   Nicks said that Meno had no problems landing a throw double axel and a throw triple salchow.

6.   Overall, however, the Americans skated a clean program that included solid side by side triple toes, a double twist and a throw triple salchow.

7.   She touched both hands down on a triple toe and doubled a triple salchow.

8.   She two-footed a triple salchow, landed an awkward triple lutz and almost came to a complete stop during her routine.

9.   So it went through the triple salchow, triple flip, triple lutz, seven triples in all.

10.   The Canadian team nailed their throw triple salchow, side-by-side triple toe jumps and their double twist.

a. + salchow >>共 12
triple 43.37%
quadruple 20.48%
quad 19.28%
first 4.82%
double 3.61%
energetic 1.20%
executed 1.20%
loop-triple 1.20%
quintuple 1.20%
single 1.20%
triple + n. >>共 258
axel 11.67%
lutz 7.28%
flip 4.98%
bogey 4.00%
bypass 3.74%
digit 3.28%
damage 3.28%
toe 2.89%
champion 2.82%
loop 2.75%
salchow 2.36%
每页显示:    共 36