1.   And a battle it became because our trip coincided with school vacations, a peak week for Disney World visitors.

2.   His trip coincided with the Kentucky Derby, and when the turf writers learned he was in town, they held a dinner in his honor.

3.   Since the trip roughly coincides with the start of the spring semester, Goose usually waits for me to show up and accompany her to buy textbooks.

4.   The trip also coincides with a time of rising Western concern about the flow of weapons and narcotics through the area.

5.   His trip coincides with a visit to five African countries by Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen.

6.   His trip coincides with the Republican National Convention in San Diego, so consequently politics came up in an airborne news conference.

7.   The trip will coincide with the Northern Ireland investment conference Tuesday and Wednesday in Belfast, capital of the British-ruled province.

8.   The trip coincides with the official European tour to promote his latest film, Batman and Robin.

9.   The trip coincides with a session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

10.   There are no easy answers especially since the trip coincides with the beginning of the protests to bring little Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba.

n. + coincide >>共 412
visit 5.47%
attack 3.84%
announcement 3.55%
move 1.92%
protest 1.82%
report 1.82%
trip 1.73%
strike 1.73%
date 1.63%
meeting 1.44%
trip + v. >>共 336
be 38.44%
take 7.18%
come 4.48%
include 4.25%
begin 2.26%
have 2.19%
end 2.12%
go 1.85%
follow 1.45%
help 0.98%
coincide 0.61%
每页显示:    共 18