1.   Additional tests found a damaged triceps tendon.

2.   He has played through a sprained left ankle and a severed triceps tendon in his shooting arm that required three operations.

3.   He had surgery a year ago on his right triceps tendon.

4.   Manager Bob Brenly said the preliminary diagnosis was a strained triceps tendon.

n. + tendon >>共 42
patella 19.57%
biceps 17.93%
flexor 8.70%
knee 8.70%
patellar 8.15%
quadriceps 4.89%
split 4.89%
hamstring 2.72%
quadricep 2.72%
triceps 2.17%
triceps + n. >>共 8
muscle 64.52%
tendon 12.90%
area 6.45%
exercise 3.23%
injury 3.23%
kickback 3.23%
machine 3.23%
surgery 3.23%
每页显示:    共 4